Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#176 used as offset, casting to integer (176) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#176 used as offset, casting to integer (176) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#177 used as offset, casting to integer (177) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#177 used as offset, casting to integer (177) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#178 used as offset, casting to integer (178) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#178 used as offset, casting to integer (178) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#179 used as offset, casting to integer (179) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#179 used as offset, casting to integer (179) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#180 used as offset, casting to integer (180) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#180 used as offset, casting to integer (180) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#181 used as offset, casting to integer (181) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#181 used as offset, casting to integer (181) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#175 used as offset, casting to integer (175) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#182 used as offset, casting to integer (182) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#182 used as offset, casting to integer (182) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#183 used as offset, casting to integer (183) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#183 used as offset, casting to integer (183) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#184 used as offset, casting to integer (184) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#184 used as offset, casting to integer (184) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 «Любимый кофе с коробочкой кардамона»Мой любимый кофе с кардамоном.
Рецепт кофе «Любимый кофе с коробочкой кардамона»Несколько лет покупаю у одного и того же человека кардамон. Если Вы не специалист по приправам, то позволю дать совет: кардамон покупайте в так называемых "коробочках", а не распотрошенными мелкими семенами. Коробочка должна быть зеленая! Не выбеленная, ни черная. Перед тем как добавить кардамон в кофе коробочку надо распотрошить и высыпать ее содержимое в кофе. Либо сделайте как я: засыпая зерна кофе в кофемолку добавляю целую коробочку кардамона. Все перемалываю и варю кофе как обычно. Аромат и вкус кофе с кардамоном божественен! Состав: чёрный молотый кофе зелёная коробочка кардамона Strict Standards: Resource ID#186 used as offset, casting to integer (186) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#186 used as offset, casting to integer (186) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Strict Standards: Resource ID#187 used as offset, casting to integer (187) in /home/portalon/ on line 215 Strict Standards: Resource ID#187 used as offset, casting to integer (187) in /home/portalon/ on line 216 Просмотров: 1315